(news+) a news page I made out of someone else’s work, thank ya kindly

The only thing I really added was the date/time stamp in the title tag(thanks for the guidance L.J.) and the credits on the pages for the original coder. This was done in Angular 5 which I know so little about I am shocked that it works. I do not know if I like the JS framework trend. I am still a Apache meat and PHP potatoes kind of guy.

news+ https://fervent-sammet-190f5b.netlify.com

Update 7/29/18
I am well aware that I never explain anything I do procedurally. There is a lot of that on the web already. I never bothered to change the title of this because I like the randomization function that Netlify uses. It is almost as good as npmjs.com the Node.js package manager site. I added a couple of buttons and I have played with the color scheme but it still strongly resembles the original. I think my next plan is to create a swipe function instead of a scroll function but that may be beyond my coding skills in Javascript unless I find the work done previously and copy it.
