RobinHood update

What the hell has been going on with RobinHood in my life? I never stopped using it. I have made 14% since the last time I checked since I opened the account. I have a lot more money in there though(relative to my life), than I first posted so I can’t post graphs and such. They have announced a couple of things that people still aren’t paying that much attention to. They will be introducing banking and I am on that wait list. I am also on the wait list for fractional share purchases but I didn’t hop on that one as fast as I did with banking. Fractional shares are a pretty big deal.

One thing that should be noted though is that the biggies have gone commission free. As far as I can tell, TD(which just got bought by Schwab), Fidelity and Etrade all went commission free. It didn’t really get that much press. But, there are a couple of other events that signify why it is a bigger deal than meets the eye.

The Chinese government recently came out in support of blockchain use. I haven’t read extensively on what they intend to do but I think it will be just a matter of time before integrating their blockchain use with a cryptocurrency that is either state sponsored or a “mainstream” one. This type of announcement goes along with Facebook’s release of Libra sometime in 2020.

Robinhood has listed cryptocurrencies for a while now but has allowed for trading in only about 5. Coinbase now allows you to stake USDC and XTZ(which deserves a separate post). All the companies involved in crypto are making incremental changes but the general public and the US government are still not onboard. Facebook will probably be the main catalyst within the US for blockchain adoption or cryptocurrency use. Bitcoin is really seeming dinosauresque in this world now but it will always stick around as an original player probably.
