Newsnous, a news page

I haven’t posted in a while. That doesn’t really mean I haven’t been staying busy doing something worthless. Here is a news page I look at daily. It is an adaptation of my News+ page that I made a while back but it broke because of javascript package issues probably. I didn’t have the patience to figure it out. I did have the patience to fix Newsnous as it broke a couple of days ago.

It is written in PHP and Javascript. Also, I used the Bulma CSS library which is something I know little about.

I recommend using it. There are no ads and you can share easily. You can even see news from reputable sources you may never come across any other way. It is fun sometimes to just hit the browser “translate” function and read news in English off an Arabic, Portuguese, or Chinese site just to name a few.


personal information repositories

Call them what you will: personal information repositories, personal databases, advanced digital profiles, smart assistant hoard piles. No matter what you choose or what you allow Google, Microsoft or Apple to label them, they are coming and in a big way. I have been into this stuff for a very long time and I have been saving screenshots of what I look at online since the mid 90s and there are many reasons why I have done this. I have to tip my hat to Apple in the early days because they put the snapshot sound into the Command-Shift-3 keyboard shortcut but Windows ran alongside them with the practical functionality built into most keyboards with Print Screen.

Why would someone want to even bother with screenshots now after she spent 20 years not using them? Because personal digital assistants are going to want this information to create more advanced recommendations. Of course they don’t need this information but why would you want to starve your digital assistant(s)? You want them healthy and happy just like you want your kids, right?

Keystroke loggers have been around for centuries and videogame walkthroughs have been around for about 10 years or so in their more detailed form. It is just a matter of time before people leave the digital logging switch set to “ON” continuously. There are a lot of reasons why this will eventually be a good idea. I would love to explore these in detail sometime but for now I will just drop ref to the changes I just found with Firefox and Pocket. I really like what they are doing but I don’t think that it will go viral with mainstream adoption. It could if they do insanely simple things like put dates next to the items saved in Pocket. As things usually go, Microsoft and Google are already in this space and are doing things like automatic OCR of images. Even if Pocket-Firefox were to create a cute, little personal API for personal digital data, you would have to link it back to Google Drive or Microsoft OneDrive for handy search functionality..


yaddo 1934 post

update 2-25-17
Around the time I was experimenting with WordPress, I found out about Yaddo and I grabbed this photo from their website and pasted it into a post. They just modified their website in October and I can’t find it anywhere. Here is the original URL ( ) and it produces a 404 error or document not found.
