voice journal entry October 9th 2019

So here I am hanging out near the Como pavilion of Lexington in St Paul and there is a group ride for boosted boards. helicopter just flew over head. I’ve only been to one other group ride and it was a mixed experience. I am going to greet the situation with an open mind. I may never go to another group ride but I’m not sure yet. I’m almost at 2,000 mi right now and that in and of itself is an accomplishment of a different type that’s difficult to pin down. only the boosted community will understand what I’m talking about easily. it’s basically the only community I’m a part of at this time and I used to be a part of a few other communities. I took a few photos. I visited a local bike shop called bike chain and that was interesting. I gave myself a bit of time off for today so I didn’t have a plan. I have to admit that doing a voice entry is very very smooth at this time. I can sit and watch the text go into the post.
