Solo: A Star Wars Story

I buzzed on down to the cheapie theater on the board the other day to see the 12:25 showing of “Solo: A Star Wars Story”. I had just finished playing tennis for 2 hours and decided to take it easy in the early afternoon. I haven’t been playing tennis much lately so don’t think this is a regular pattern or anything. Well, it turned out to be OK. I was very skeptical. I looked it up before I went and caught the fact that Ron Howard did it. This helped my expectations to be positive. I have always considered him to be an interesting film director and I have watched him since I was knee-high to a grasshopper.

I know that there needed to be some continuity between the actors appearances and this was done ok. It was a tall order for the filmmaker to do this accurately to make all the fans happy. The film did OK financially but it did not make a massive amount like some of the other Star Wars movies. I had negative expectations for it being under the Disney umbrella now. But, all in all, I would say that it was Star Warsy enough for me to appreciate it. The story was interesting in that it spotlighted the foundation of the rebellion with Solo’s relation to it.

I spent a lot of attention on the girlfriend of Solo and how she changed in the 3 years she was away from him. It was purposely not revealed what her “forced” training was and what her commitment became to the Crimson Dawn organization. I was not surprised to see Darth Maul(oops spoiler) as her new boss. He said very little in Phantom Menace so everyone that remembers that film would have liked a little more depth from him. She may be the first lady of the dark side that has ever shown up in film so far. I expect her role to cross over like a Marvel character into just about any film Star Wars related in the future. I feel my will ebbing away and I may purchase a future movie ticket as I am unable to resist her beckons and charms.

Qi’ra (wikipedia)

Qi'ra (wikipedia)
